
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /shark_bite
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
6 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
7 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
8 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
9 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
10 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
12 absence /nieobecnosci/ Path does not match
13 absence_new /nieobecnosci/nowa Path does not match
14 absence_edit /nieobecnosci/edytuj/{absence} Path does not match
15 absence_remove /nieobecnosci/usun/{absence} Path does not match
16 additional_dataaaaaa /wawd646864fsdfADWADxvesf89123 Path does not match
17 allegro_ads_data_retrive_index /allegro-ads-data Path does not match
18 allegro_ads_data_retrive_concrete /allegro-ads-data/konkretnie Path does not match
19 allegro_ads_data_retrive_token /allegro-ads-data/token-connect Path does not match
20 allegro_ads_data_refresh_token /allegro-ads-data/refresh/{allegroToken} Path does not match
21 allegro_ads_data_retrive_disconnect_token /allegro-ads-data/token-disconnect Path does not match
22 allegro_test /allegro-test Path does not match
23 allegro_data_ads /allegro-data-ads Path does not match
24 allegro_ads_chart /raport-ads Path does not match
25 allegro_ads_raport_date /data-raportu Path does not match
26 allegro_ads_raport_date_delete /data-raportu-usun/{date} Path does not match
27 allegro_ads_new /allegro-ads/nowy Path does not match
28 allegro_ads_edit /allegro-ads/edytuj/{allegroAdsNew} Path does not match
29 allegro_ads_remove /allegro-ads/usun/{allegroAdsNew} Path does not match
30 allegro_ads_slack /allegro-ads-slack/{allegroAdsNew} Path does not match
31 allegro_ads_new_download /allegro-ads/pobierz/{raportAdsNew} Path does not match
32 allegro_ads_new_show /allegro-ads/{raportAdsNew} Path does not match
33 allegro_ads_new_show_last /raport/{raportAdsNew}/{account} Path does not match
34 allegro_ads_project_account /allegro-ads-project-account/{project} Path does not match
35 allegro_ads_json /allegro-ads-json/{project} Path does not match
36 allegro_ads_graphic_json /allegro-ads-graphic-json/{project} Path does not match
37 allegro_table_info /allegro-budzety Path does not match
38 allegro_table_info_date /allegro-budzety-daty Path does not match
39 allegro-budget-expected-return /allegro-budget/save/expected-return Path does not match
40 allegro-budget-budget /allegro-budget/save/budget Path does not match
41 allegro-budget-comment /allegro-budget/save/comment Path does not match
42 allegro-budget-member /allegro-budget/save/member Path does not match
43 allegro-budget-verify /allegro-budget/save/verify Path does not match
44 calculator-ads /kalkulator-ads Path does not match
45 dashboard / Path does not match
46 lead_index /leady/ Path does not match
47 lead_new /leady/nowy Path does not match
48 lead_edit /leady/{id}/edytuj Path does not match
49 lead_change_status /leady/{id}/zmien-status/{status} Path does not match
50 lead_delete /leady/{id} Path does not match
51 lead_comment /leady/komentarz/{id} Path does not match
52 lead_show /leady/{id} Path does not match
53 time_index /czas/ Path does not match
54 time_new /czas/nowy Path does not match
55 time_new_toggl /czas/new-toggl Path does not match
56 time_edit /czas/edytuj/{id} Path does not match
57 time_delete /czas/usun/{id} Path does not match
58 time_link_generate /czas/utworz-link Path does not match
59 time_bulk_add /czas/wspolny-czas Path does not match
60 how_user_logged_time /czas/ile-zalogowanego-czasu Path does not match
61 offer_package /paczki-ofert/ Path does not match
62 offer_package_new /paczki-ofert/nowa Path does not match
63 offer_package_edit /paczki-ofert/edytuj/{offer} Path does not match
64 offer_package_remove /paczki-ofert/usun/{offer} Path does not match
65 offer_package_show /paczki-ofert/pokaz/{offer} Path does not match
66 offer_package_get_task /paczki-ofert/pobierz-zadania/{offer} Path does not match
67 offer_package_task /paczki-ofert/zadania/ Path does not match
68 offer_package_task_new /paczki-ofert/zadania/nowe Path does not match
69 offer_package_task_edit /paczki-ofert/zadania/edytuj/{task} Path does not match
70 offer_package_task_remove /paczki-ofert/zadania/usun/{task} Path does not match
71 offer_package_task_show /paczki-ofert/zadania/pokaz/{task} Path does not match
72 project_index /projekt/ Path does not match
73 project_seo /projekt/seo Path does not match
74 project_fb /projekt/fb Path does not match
75 project_google /projekt/google Path does not match
76 project_emag /projekt/emag Path does not match
77 project_download /projekt/pobierz Path does not match
78 project_show /projekt/pokaz/{project} Path does not match
79 project_new /projekt/nowy Path does not match
80 project_edit /projekt/{id}/edytuj Path does not match
81 project_delete /projekt/{id}/delete Path does not match
82 project_deactive /projekt/{id}/dezaktywacja Path does not match
83 project_active /projekt/{id}/aktywacja Path does not match
84 project_offer_package_task_complete /projekt-oferta-zadanie/zakoncz Path does not match
85 project_offer_package_task_complete_js /projekt-oferta-zadanie/zakoncz-js Path does not match
86 project_offer_package_task_not_to_do /projekt-oferta-zadanie/nie-robimy Path does not match
87 project_offer_package_task_not_to_do_dashboard /projekt-oferta-zadanie/nie-robimy-js Path does not match
88 project_offer_package_task_change_date /projekt-oferta-zadanie/zmiana-daty Path does not match
89 project_offer_package_task_pause /projekt-oferta-zadanie/zapauzuj-zadanie Path does not match
90 raport_index /raport/ Path does not match
91 registration /registration Path does not match
92 emag_raport_index /raport-emag/ Path does not match
93 emag_raport_new /raport-emag/nowy Path does not match
94 emag_raport_edit /raport-emag/edytuj/{reportSocialMedia} Path does not match
95 emag_raport_show /raport-emag/{reportSocialMedia} Path does not match
96 emag_raport_last /raport-emag/raport/{project} Path does not match
97 emag_raport_slack /raport-emag/wyslij-slack/{reportSocialMedia} Path does not match
98 emag_raport_delete /raport-emag/usun/{reportSocialMedia} Path does not match
99 report_monthly_work /miesieczne-raporty/ Path does not match
100 report_invoice_send /miesieczne-raporty/faktura-wyslana/{raportAds} Path does not match
101 report_report_send /miesieczne-raporty/raport-wyslany/{raportAds} Path does not match
102 raport_pdf /raport-pdf/ Path does not match
103 raport_pdf_new /raport-pdf/nowy Path does not match
104 raport_pdf_edit /raport-pdf/edytuj/{reportPdf} Path does not match
105 raport_pdf_show /raport-pdf/{reportPdf} Path does not match
106 raport_pdf_slack /raport-pdf/wyslij-slack/{reportPdf} Path does not match
107 raport_pdf_delete /raport-pdf/usun/{reportPdf} Path does not match
108 ads_seo /raport-seo/ Path does not match
109 seo_report_new /raport-seo/nowy Path does not match
110 seo_report_edit /raport-seo/edytuj/{report} Path does not match
111 seo_report_show /raport-seo/{report} Path does not match
112 seo_report_last /raport-seo/raport/{project} Path does not match
113 seo_raport_slack /raport-seo/wyslij-slack/{report} Path does not match
114 seo_raport_delete /raport-seo/usun/{report} Path does not match
115 ads_social_media /raport-social-media/ Path does not match
116 sm_report_new /raport-social-media/nowy Path does not match
117 sm_report_edit /raport-social-media/edytuj/{reportSocialMedia} Path does not match
118 sm_report_show /raport-social-media/{reportSocialMedia} Path does not match
119 sm_report_last /raport-social-media/raport/{project} Path does not match
120 sm_raport_slack /raport-social-media/wyslij-slack/{reportSocialMedia} Path does not match
121 sm_raport_delete /raport-social-media/usun/{reportSocialMedia} Path does not match
122 app_login /login Path does not match
123 app_logout /logout Path does not match
124 settings /ustawienia Path does not match
125 bulk_send /wysylka-slack Path does not match
126 slack_shortcut /slack-shortcut/ Path does not match
127 task_index /zadania/ Path does not match
128 task_graphic_index /zadania/zadania-grafika Path does not match
129 task_graphic_migrate /zadania/migracja-zadan-graficznych Path does not match
130 task_user_today /zadania/zadania-pracownika-dzisiaj/{user} Path does not match
131 task_calendar /zadania/kalendarz Path does not match
132 task_new /zadania/nowy Path does not match
133 task_new_js /zadania/nowy-js Path does not match
134 task_offer_list /zadania/get-list-task/{project} Path does not match
135 task_edit /zadania/edytuj/{task} Path does not match
136 task_edit_status /zadania/status/{task}/{status} Path does not match
137 task_remove /zadania/usun/{task} Path does not match
138 update_calendar_task /zadania/update-event/{task} Path does not match
139 task_feed_dep /zadania/feed Path does not match
140 task_feed /zadania/my-task Path does not match
141 task_can_task_time /zadania/can-task-time Path does not match
142 delayed_tasks /zadania/opoznienia Path does not match
143 show_task /zadania/{task} Path does not match
144 test_command_index /test-command Path does not match
145 time_description_category_index /kategoria-opisu/ Path does not match
146 time_description_category_new /kategoria-opisu/nowy Path does not match
147 time_description_category_edit /kategoria-opisu/edytuj/{id} Path does not match
148 time_description_category_delete /kategoria-opisu/usun/{id} Path does not match
149 time_description_index /opis/ Path does not match
150 time_description_new /opis/nowy Path does not match
151 time_description_edit /opis/edytuj/{id} Path does not match
152 time_description_delete /opis/usun/{id} Path does not match
153 training_material_index /materialy-szkoleniowe/ Path does not match
154 training_material_new /materialy-szkoleniowe/nowy Path does not match
155 training_material_edit /materialy-szkoleniowe/edytuj/{material} Path does not match
156 training_material_show /materialy-szkoleniowe/zobacz/{material} Path does not match
157 training_material_remove /materialy-szkoleniowe/usun/{material} Path does not match
158 user_contacts /użytkownicy/kontakty Path does not match
159 user_index /użytkownicy/pracownicy Path does not match
160 client_index /użytkownicy/klienci Path does not match
161 user_edit /użytkownicy/edytuj/{id} Path does not match
162 user_delete /użytkownicy/usun/{id} Path does not match
163 work_start /praca/start Path does not match
164 work_stop /praca/stop Path does not match
165 work_viewed /praca/przejrzane Path does not match
166 work_list /praca/lista Path does not match
167 work_download /praca/pobierz Path does not match
168 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.